The first evidence of the possibility of the existence of wormholes was seen in the nuclear test "Ivy Mike". That test was the first detonation of the full-scale hydrogen bomb. The problem was that the hydrogen bomb was so hot that there was hard to get data from the detonation. And especially from the fusion reaction. "Ivy Mike" used deuterium and tritium as fusion fuel. But later thermonuclear devices used lithium deuteride (lithium hydride).
The bomb connected with the sensors. By using a long tunnel or tube. The idea of that tube was the bomb's radiation and particles that the detonation formed traveled faster than outside the tunnel. And particles arrived in the sensor cab before the main fireball. And that allowed sensor sends data before the fireball vaporizes it.
And as you see in the film above this text. The fireball at the down left corner is a little bit asymmetrical. And that thing means that the radiation and particles that travel in the instrument tunnel are pulling the fireball to the sensor. There is introduced an idea. That a similar tunnel can surround by using the powerful magnetic whirl. That removes the quantum fields from inside the tube.
Diagram 1)
1) Fusion chamber. Its core will cool to an extremely low temperature.
2) The exhaust tube where fusion energy and particles will conduct.
3) The direction of the force.
The idea of that system is not to make the exhaust gas cross the speed of light. The idea is to make the exhaust gas travel faster than it can otherwise travel.
The "Ivy Mike" was the device that was used as the model for futuristic fusion and antimatter "flamethrowers" and engines. Diagram 1 introduces an idea of that kind of system. The fusion chamber's core will be supercooled to zero kelvin. And that thing makes it possible to aim the radiation and particles. If there is a thin gold layer at the end of the tube that thing can transform those particles into antimatter. And that kind of system can use in spacecraft.
In those futuristic engine systems, the idea is that the system uses the so-called pulse plasma fusion. A high-power laser ray will launch to lithium deuteride vapor. And then that thing causes the detonation that pushes the craft forward. When the temperature of the fusion chamber will rise too high. The system will shut down the fuel injection. The energy to that system will get from regular fission reactors.
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