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Showing posts from July, 2022

The space colonies are always extreme projects.

When we are trying to model things like some colonies far away from civilization we must realize that those colonies are extreme projects. Extreme projects require extreme people, who want to put everything into those projects.  Only extreme people can handle things in extreme conditions. The colonies far away from the civilizations like cities are, of course, extreme projects. But those colonies are located on Earth. And those people can sail away from those colonies if something goes wrong.  If something goes on the moon the rescue craft will come to the base after a couple of days. And that thing is that those couple of days might feel very long. There are planned hypothetical moon cities. Even if the gravitation on the moon is very weak those colonists can use so-called sumo suits for keeping their muscles in condition. So those heavy clothes can compensate for the weak gravitation.  But when we are thinking about things like Mars stations the conditions are even more extreme. If s

Why does Putin go to war so often?

The image above Russian Troops at Chechnya (Pinterest) There have been many wars during Putin's time during the presidency of Russia. That thing means that there is something in those wars, that bring benefit to Vladimir Putin.  Putin's era remarkable conflicts are Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine. The Wagner group or mercenaries played a big role in those conflicts. And that means the losses are not in the official records of the Russian army. The Wagner group allows Putin can go to war without telling that thing to an official army or even FSB about his plans.  But there is one aspect that we must realize when we are looking at wars. War is a good place to get rid of nasty people. If Putin wants to eliminate some individual people the war is a good place for that operation. If the eliminated person is a member of the Wagner group. That means nobody asks uncomfortable questions. War is the place where people are dying naturally. And mercenaries always know something that

Maybe the advanced genetics and nanotechnology make the crew of interstellar flight immortal.

Image:Redditt If we think carefully about the possibility that some civilization conquer the universe. Maybe in the distant future, we are that civilization.  There is a possibility that in a couple of hundreds of years in the future the first spacecraft will travel to Alpha Centauri.  We must realize that civilization can travel hundreds or even thousands of years between the solar systems. If those creatures use giant artificial worlds called O'Neill cylinders. In those cylinders, rotational movement forms the artificial gravitation.  The major problem of interstellar flight the enormous distances in the universe. If faster-than-light travel would not successful there is the possibility to use slow spacecraft for that kind of journey. There is the possibility that the advanced bio- and nanotechnology make the crew of that craft immortal.  That means the nanorobots could fix the DNA of the crewmembers. When the DNA is damaged the nanorobot could make a copy of the original DNA. An

Researchers control electron spin at room temperature.

In a Rashba-Dresselhaus spin transistor, the spin of electrons could be disrupted by spin-phonon coupling or non-ideal internal magnetic field distribution. Credit: Jian Shi ( learn to control electron spin at room temperature to make devices more efficient and faster) First time in history, the researchers control the electron's spin at room temperature. That thing makes it possible to create a new type of electric device.  The system can turn electrons in the same position. And that makes them more effective data transporters. Electrons that are at the same position can form the powerful cathode ray. That thing can use in the new X-ray systems. That ability to turn all electrons to the same position makes particle accelerators more effective than ever before.  Also, things like room-temperature quantum computers are possible. The ability to control the spin of electrons at room temperature opens new visions for quantum technology. This system makes it possible

Nanolasers are fascinating tools.

The image above: nanolaser can destroy individual cells from the human body.  Nano-scale lasers are impressive tools. They can use to deliver communication signals to other nanomachines that are operating in EMP-protected areas where electromagnetic fields can terminate all processes. The idea is that the radiowaves are targeted to microchips that are equipped with nanolasers. That system transforms the radio-wave-based data into the photonic form.  And that denies the effect of the electromagnetic field. This reaction chamber can be inside the liquid. That allows those nanomachines can swim freely.  Those nanolasers can deliver electricity to nanomachines that use tiny photovoltaic cells. So, in the reaction chamber can be two kinds of nanomachines. The nanolaser group that transforms radiowaves into laser rays operates outside the Faraday cage. And the nanomachine group that uses only nanolasers operates inside that cage. That means those systems are not forming the electromagnetic f

For the first time, Scientists chanced the bonds of a single molecule.

Single-atom tractor beams power chemical catalysis. Credit: Research Team, Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge ( tractor beams power chemical catalysis) The new ability to change chemical bonds in a single molecule can be a revolutionary advance in nanotechnology. That makes it possible to connect new parts to nanomachines and makes it possible to creates new and more complicated molecules. And nanomachines are complicated molecules. The IBM researchers used a scanning probe microscope for that operation, as you can see from above. There is the possibility to use also nanolasers for similar purposes. When the system creates nanomachines, nanolasers can adjust the temperature of the single atoms.  The temperature determines the reaction force of the atoms and molecules. The scanning probe microscope will observe the position of the molecules. And also it can use the subatomic tractor beams for making precise right structures.  Nanotec

Researchers at Kyoto University are starting to test artificial gravitation.

Above: An artist's view of the internal structure of the O'Neill cylinder. Artificial gravitation is a key element in long-term space travel. The simplest way is to make a cylinder-shaped space station that rotates around its central axle. That thing forms a centripetal force that pulls objects to that structure's core.  Physicist Gerard K. O'Neill introduced an idea for that kind of that rotating space station was introduced by in the year 1976. And that's why the name of that kind of system is the "O'Neill cylinder".  The problem with that kind of cylinder is that its rotation speed must be quite fast that it can create the artificial gravitation that is so strong as the gravitation on Earth. So the centripetal force will rip that structure into pieces. And then another argument has been that rotation causes nausea. But the fact is that the gravitation must not be so powerful as it's on Earth.  The idea is that gravitation anchors vegetables and