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Showing posts from April, 2024

The ability to store data in the DNA can make next-generation technology possible.

"A groundbreaking study by Yunha Hwang and team has developed gLM, an AI system that decodes the complex language of genomics from extensive microbial data. This innovation enables a deeper understanding of gene functions and regulations, leading to new discoveries in genomics. gLM exemplifies the potential of AI in advancing life sciences and tackling global challenges. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Harvard-Developed AI System Unlocks Biology’s Source Code) Maybe quite soon, we can make biorobots that can clean our bodies more effectively than ever before.  Can we make the optical neural network in living cells? If that is possible. That makes it possible to create intelligent cells, living nanorobots that can remove non-wanted things from the body.  Can a single cell be as intelligent as humans? Researchers created the quantum dots inside living cells, and the quantum dots are tools that can make a revolution in quantum computers. Theoretically, researchers c

Minimal space is an inspiring thing.

An empty, or minimal space is a thing that can form interesting ideas. That means empty rooms and a couple of merchandise can be a very inspiring thing. 

Chinese innovations and space lasers are interesting combinations.

Above: "Tiangong is China's operational space station located in low Earth orbit. (Image credit: Alejomiranda via Getty Images)" (, China's space station, Tiangong: A complete guide) Chinese are close to making nuclear-powered spacecraft.  Almost every day, we can read about Chinese technical advances. So are, the Chinese more innovative than Western people? Or is there some kind of difference in culture and morale between Western and Chinese societies? The Chinese superiority in hypersonic technology is one of the things that tells something about the Chinese way of making things.  In China, the mission means. And the only thing that means is mission. That means that things like budgets and safety orders are far different from Western standards. If some project serves the Chinese communist party and PLA (People's Liberation Army) that guarantees unlimited resources for those projects. Chinese authorities must not care about the public opinion.  If we th

Researchers developed new tools that can be a breakthrough in computing and robotics.

"Researchers have developed an innovative phase change memory device that promises low power consumption and reduced manufacturing costs. This development, potentially replacing DRAM and NAND flash memory, is notable for its efficiency and could significantly impact the future of memory and neuromorphic computing technology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Ultra-Low Power Memory for Neuromorphic Computing) The new neuromorphic computers require lots of processors. And that's why those systems require new microchips, that have low energy use. Low-energy microchips keep the temperature in computers low. Same way minimizing the cable length minimizes radio waves and temperature in neurocomputing. Silicon carbide plates can act as artificial synapses.  Researchers can create artificial synapses in the artificial neural network using silicon carbide plates. The silicon carbide plates that offer "Eternal memory" can offer a new way to make artificial axon