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The new nanotechnology needs miniaturized microelectronics.

    The new nanotechnology needs miniaturized microelectronics.  The bottleneck in the interaction with nanomachines and quantum computers is the interface. Computer keyboards and screens are using binary systems. And that means the development of binary systems is also continuing. Artificial intelligence is the best tool for controlling nanomachine swarms.  But those systems require powerful computers. And another thing is that the nanomachines are also required internal and well-protected computers. Screens and keyboards are needed to send commands to nanomachines through the quantum system.  Development of the new quantum systems is not enough. If we want to use quantum computers things like screens and keyboards are the bottleneck for interaction between quantum computers and humans. When we are developing new quantum systems we must load information to the quantum systems. And for that kind of duties is needed to develop more and more powerful binary computers.  The quantum system

The singularity of consciousness.

 The singularity of consciousness.  Quantum teleportation makes it possible to transmit data between neurons and computers. The image above the text could demonstrate the idea of the straight-operating BCI(Brain-Computer Interface) The BCI can also mean (Brain-Controlled Interface), but they are almost the same thing. Normally the BCI needs a microchip. But there is the possibility that the brain could control the microprocessors straight by using the superpositioned and entangled magnetic fields.  So that kind of system might not require any kind of microchips for interacting with computers. And the only thing that the computer needs are a radio receiver-transmitter that can resonate with neuro-electricity. And the system must have high enough accuracy that it can decode and code the EEG signals straight from the human body.  Artificial intelligence and superconducting technology can make this kind of system possible to make in real life. The AI can separate the wanted signals from th

For the first time probe has touched the Sun.

 For the first time probe has touched the Sun.  NASA Parker probe has been dive in the Sun. That probe used interesting technology that helped to keep it cool. There could be possible to make the probe dive even deeper by using a magnetic field that pushes the plasma away from the probe. That would decrease the interaction between the probe and the plasma that comes from the Sun.  The reason why Parker was sent to its mission. Is that it should collect data from the solar wind. The solar wind is high-energetic plasma that can destroy spacecraft. But there is another reason why close contact with the Sun is needed. The mission of probes like Parker is to collect data for the fusion tests. The power source of the Sun is fusion reaction. And the close contact with the Sun is the thing that can help to model the conditions that are making fusion possible.  In some visions, the probes like Parker can collect antimatter from the solar atmosphere. The probe would travel to the sun.  Then that

ExoMars discovered water from the Mars Grand Canyon.

   ExoMars discovered water from the Mars Grand Canyon. Image 1 "Artist’s impression of Mars Express. The background is based on an actual image of Mars taken by the spacecraft’s high resolution stereo camera. Credit: Spacecraft image: ESA/ATG medialab; Mars: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin" (ScitechDaily/ExoMars Discovers Hidden Water in Mars’ Grand Canyon – The Largest Canyon in the Solar System) The finding of water is the big step for the plans that made for creating a manned Mars station in the future. And also that water can use as fuel in the sample returning mission. In the last case, that water will break electrolytically into oxygen and hydrogen. And the rocket that rises samples to orbiter can use those elements as fuel and oxygen.  A similar mixture is used in the Saturn V rocket's second and third stages. The use of hydrogen and oxygen mean that the rocket is leaving only water behind it. The thing that causes pollution in the hydrogen-oxygen rocket is the electrolytic pro

Nature can give models for the next generation robots and microchips.

Nature can give models for the next generation robots and microchips. "MIT researchers have pioneered a new fabrication technique that enables them to produce low-voltage, power-dense, high endurance soft actuators for an aerial microrobot. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers" (SciTechDaily/Giving Bug-Like Bots a Boost: New Artificial Muscles Improve the Performance of Flying Microrobots) Muscle cells can rotate small-size generators.  The MIT researchers are creating new. Low voltage artificial cells for improving the performance of the microrobots. (1)This is one way to improve the operational areas of small-size flying robots. There is another way to make the power source that uses biological components. The idea is that the muscle cells of flies would connect to cranks.  And those systems are rotating miniaturized generators. This kind of robot can drink sugar-liquid. And the muscle cells can be natural but genetically transformed that they cannot split. Removing that abi

Technical systems sometimes look supernatural.

   Technical systems sometimes look supernatural.  Quadcopters can also use gesture control. One of the things that you must know about things like witchcraft and other types of things like remote-viewing is that those things can base things like hidden eavesdropping tools or informers. So there is somebody next to you who tells everything to somebody else. Another version is that there is some kind of hidden camera or recorder in the room. And those things allow that some "master" can hear everything.  Technical equipment can use to make people look like some kind of supernatural. Holograms can simply use to create things like ghosts. And extra-ordinary-looking aerial vehicles can use to turn the head of people. The quadcopters can also be equipped with hologram projectors. So those things can make real-looking UFOs:s at the airborne.  In the same way, the aircraft can have hologram projectors which makes them hunt the UFO. That kind of system might use when some top-secret

The future of interstellar spacecraft.

  The future of interstellar spacecraft.  The interstellar spacecraft might not come to practice very soon. But the fact is that theoretical research. Along with careful missions is opening the road to the interstellar journey. And maybe the time of that mission will come in 200-300 years. The fact is that nobody knows when we are ready to travel to the other solar system. When we remember history many things have been "impossible".   The Chinese knew how to make gunpowder rockets in the 200s(1). And the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky(2)(1857-1935) created theoretical research with rocketry and spaceflight in the 19th century. The thing is that things like interplanetary spaceflights. And space elevators(3) are also invented by Konstantin Tsilkovsky.  Image 2: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) That man is called "the Father of the spaceflight". Tsiolkovsky also created research and articles about "lighter than air aviation". There was a rumor that Tsiolko

The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.

     The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.  Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. The thing is that when the power of the hardware is rising. Code that is driven on the hardware is turning more complicated.  And the similar advantage continues in quantum computers. The need to drive more complicated code for more independently operating artificial intelligence. Causes that also the power of quantum computers must increase. The thing that makes this need is that if some researcher can leave the entire routine process for computers that releases the time of that person for some other things.  In scientific work and other duties, boring mechanical works can be left for AI-driven systems.  The AI can use for routine duties like observing the searching the changes in the brightness of the stars. In search of an exoplanet,

Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic.

 Precise logic vs. fuzzy logic. The "barren plateaus" trap is one of the most cutting edge things in computing sciences. The precise data handling is working perfectly in a closed and very unilateral environment. But in the open environment, fuzzy logic is a more effective tool.  And the power of fuzzy logic increases whenever the environment is turning larger and the data is turning more versatile. Fuzzy logic is in the key role for handling non-sorted data mass that is collected from the natural and chaotic environment.  Have you imagined the situation that you go to the flat, where everything is in a certain order? You can't find anything from there, and then some other person comes in. That person finds everything that is needed less than the second.  You cannot ever find anything faster than that person because that person knows everything in that room. The person knows every single nail in that flat. And that thing makes an impression.  But the prime question is doe

Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions.

   Machine learning needs stimulus for making solutions.  "A barren plateau is a trainability problem that occurs in machine learning optimization algorithms when the problem-solving space turns flat as the algorithm is run. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed theorems to prove that any given algorithm will avoid a barren plateau as it scales up to run on a quantum computer." ( Have you heard of a "barren plateaus" problem? The name of that problem is coming from the J.R.R Tolkien book. Wherein the fictive Middle land is the very dry and hot place. The image, above this text, introduces the "barren plateaus" problem very well.  In the next example, the food and water are the information. If a creature lives in the "fresh plateaus" it can take nutrients from nature. There is a bigger chance to make mistakes. But the nutrient is versatile

The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better?

 The center of the development of AI should be how that thing can serve people better? The problem with artificial intelligence development is that the intrinsic value. That means that creation of the more and more intelligent machines is the prime objective. In that development process, the developing artificial intelligence is intrinsic value.  The prime objective should be how artificial intelligence can serve humans. How AI might turn life easier and safer? When we are thinking that AI can fully replace humans that thing is pure imagination. There are lots of things that we don't know about brains. We know maybe how neurons are switching connections and how brains are learning new things.  But we don't know what kind of role certain things are in certain actions. The things like imagination are totally out of artificial intelligence. Even if we could model that ability to abstract thinking in theory. That thing is hard to make in real life.  The complicated AI requires powe

The noise is a problem for voice commanding robots.

     The noise is a problem for voice commanding robots.  Artificial intelligence and especially in voice commands is one problem. And the name of that problem is noise. When people are giving orders to robots the problem is how to filter those orders which given in purpose from the noise around the area. The selection is important when the orders are given to robots that operate in the middle of people.  The voice commands what the robot that operates at the station can consist of things that "would you step away" or "help" which means some person needs help. But how to separate the ask for carrying packages from the cases where somebody drops on the railway? And of course, there are many commands that robots should not follow in every case. The thing is that if the robots would get command to hurt somebody.  That robot should not follow it. But the problem is how the robot separates the orders from the "ducky talk". One version is, of course, following t

The new computer program can read any DNA sequence and decipher its genetic code.

This new computer program can have multiple fundamental points of use. The computer program that can read genetic code and then store it in the computer memory is the ultimate tool for creating artificial DNA sequences and artificial organisms.  Connecting genomes together makes it possible. To create the bacteria and other cells that are dying at a certain moment. That kind of bacteria is useful in medical work.  The cells that make suicide at a certain moment can use to fix injuries in the body. The timer can put in the DNA plasmid of the bacteria. DNA is like a chemical computer program.  And the new computer program might allow creating more effective ways to connect DNA bites and create artificial genomes. A deep understanding of the DNA sequences allows finding what kind of abilities the certain base pairs are giving to organisms.  When the bacteria's mission competed the bacteria died. And the self-destruction code comes after the mission code. When the DNA is read to a cert

What kind of event was the Big Bang was and what was before it?

The Big Bang is the origin of the material as the form as we know it. That event happened about 13,8 billion years ago. One more interesting thing is: "what was before the Big Bang"? If we think that some kind of black hole or singularity exploded.  There is one thing that causes the question. And that thing is, "where does that singularity come from"? Where did the material come from that formed the universe? If we are thinking of the situation that the material came to our spacetime from some kind of wormhole.  And then that wave movement started to turn to particles we must realize that there must be something that caused this effect. There should be something that slows the wave movement when that thing came to the time. The fact is that if the universe was empty.  In the place, there was no wave movement and material. That thing would not turn wave movement to the particles. There should be some kind of crossing wave movement that the elementary particles can f

Why is the Moon station is a more important thing than the Mars station?

Image I The thing in the planning of the stable space stations for the other planets. Is to advance step by step. The first step is to create the technology that would use in those projects.  And the Moon would be the perfect place for testing the technology that makes the other space station projects possible. The thing is that if there are some errors and problems in the structures or some solutions. Those things are easier to fix on the Moon than on Mars.  But the beginning of the project is on the Earth. There must make many social and structural tests for making the structures that can work on the moon's surface. Researchers can take the next step. When the systems and structures work on the moon stations.  And they are proven safe. Similar concepts can send to Mars.  The planet Mars is far, far away from the Earth. And that means the crews and other functions must be more independent.  From Mars is a long way to home if there are malfunctions. The moonbase can evacuate immedi

Solar systems like our own might be quite rare.

The image of the external solar system above this text introduces the system where are seven earth-type planets. There are the best chances to find extraterrestrial lifeforms. But there is a difference between intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms and intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms. If somewhere is another civilization they might be very far from us. And that thing brings interesting visions to the mind of people.  The nearest known solar system that is similar to us is 3000 light-years away. And that means the solar systems that are like our own might be quite rare in the universe. Sometimes wise men are asking the question that should the solar system where are intelligent lifeforms have 8 planets like in our solar system and should the names of the aliens "Jack" and "Jill".  The fact is that if we would send the message to that solar system, that is 3000 light-years from us. The message will travel there 3000 years. And the answer would take another 3000