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Showing posts from June, 2023

Graphene can exchange information with electrons of water.

In some visions, the 2D structure of super cold water molecules or hydrogen or protons (hydrogen ions) can form quantum computers. The system can transfer information to that 2D structure by using graphene. And new observations that electrons in graphene molecules exchange information with water molecules' electrons are the thing that makes this system interesting.  The nano-size masers can aim an extremely thin maser ray at the atoms. Or even single electrons or other subatomic particles. The nano-size diamond is the structure of carbon atoms where the vertex is one carbon atom. The system can use in the scanning tunneling microscope. Or between that carbon vertex and layer could put a series of smaller components.  The scanning tunneling microscope can also use to transport information into extremely small components. The system can use nano-diamond that aims the electromagnetic stress to ion or electron that hovers in a fullerene nanotube. Then the system can use electrons that

The new magnetic-twist paradigm can make quantum computers more effective.

The new magnetic twist paradigm can make quantum computers more effective. It allows sharing of information between multiple quantum systems. And that makes it possible to exchange information between complex quantum systems. The reason, why making superpositions between atoms is so difficult is that atoms have multiple actors, and there is also very much free space.  Free space in material forms pockets. Where energy can move. That means a large number of oscillations are traveling in those empty free spaces that are between electron shells and quarks. There is the possibility to make the superposition and entanglement between electromagnetic fields around the atom. But the problem is that electrons that orbit atoms make that electromagnetic field unstable.  "This artistic depiction shows electron fractionalization — in which strongly interacting charges can “fractionalize” into three parts — in the fractional quantum anomalous Hall phase. Credit: Eric Anderson/University of Wash

The quadruple of gravitational lensed supernovas unlocks the mystery of dark matter.

How can some materials interact only through gravitation?  Dark matter, or otherways saying: unknown gravitational interaction is one the biggest mystery in the universe. That gravitational interaction is the send dominating effect in the universe. In some visions, the WIMP particles are the thing that forms dark matter. But in other models, the dark matter is extremely short-term quasiparticles or virtual particles. That source is in the most high-energy reactions.  To uncover that mystery, researchers use supernovas with gravitational lensing for unlocking the mystery of that gravitational effect. In those observations, researchers hope that the shockwave of a supernova explosion can interact with still hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).  "Zooming in to supernova Zwicky: starting from a small portion of the Palomar ZTF camera, one out of 64 “quadrants”, each one containing tens of thousands of stars and galaxies, the zoom-in takes us to detailed explorati

Negative mass and negative energy could be almost the same thing.

Negative mass and negative energy could form when the Higgs boson collapses. The spin of that boson is zero, but the reason for that could be there is no time for the start spin in that the shortest living particle in the world. But when Higgs boson divides. There are forming multiple particles like Z and W bosons. So what is forming those particles? And could that solve the problem of negative energy? Are those remnants dividing of Higgs boson form inside the Higgs boson shell?  Or are the interactions between collapsing Higgs boson and its environment behind those remnants? In some models, negative energy is like a curve that rises in the Higgs boson and other particles. When those camels hump-looking energy structures are rising that causes situation there the energy hump will cause the quantum flow from particles into their environment. So could that energy flow out from particles the source of dark energy or negative energy?  Is the thing that is behind Dark energy some kind of el

Are there two different gravitational interactions? That two different-size graviton transports.

By following supermassive black holes researchers hope that they can see where gravitational waves forming. When two supermassive black holes impact each other. They form an extremely high-energy area between those black holes. There are standing waves between those black holes.  And sometimes, people think that gravitons and gravitational waves can also form between those kinds of black holes. The supermassive black holes that orbit each other also pump energy in the middle of that system. That energy reflects from deep inside the black hole. And that energy is the thing called gravitational waves.  "Following 15 years of observing pulsars, the NANOGrav collaboration has detected gravitational waves stronger than ever before, likely produced by supermassive black hole pairs. This groundbreaking discovery presents the first evidence for the gravitational wave background, which is surprisingly louder than anticipated, possibly pointing to an abundance of supermassive black holes or

The magnetic fields cause pulsars. And they have along with cosmic radiation connection with Earthquakes.

Pulsar doesn't necessarily mean neutron star. Also, white dwarfs can form pulsars. The nova- and supernova remnants are things. that form the most powerful reactions in the universe. The pulsar is forming when the magnetic field travels to the poles of the white dwarf and neutron star. Also, black holes are pulsars. They are sending their radiation mainly in X- and gamma-ray areas. The energy level of those pulsars is far higher than in neutron stars and white dwarfs. Fusion happens in both poles of the star fossil which is the remnant of the star that used its energy.  The fusion that forms a pulsar happens outside the star remnant's shell. And that makes it so interesting for fusion research.  When those fusion reactions are burning. They send energy to star remnants. That energy impacts from the center of the white dwarf and neutron star. That energy causes quakes in the shell of those cosmic fossils. And that resonance forms gravitational waves. The difference between fusio

Is it possible that the JWST telescope finds life from space?

JWST telescope found carbon structure crucial for life from space. That is one of the most remarkable things in the history of science. That carbon structure tells us that there may be a possibility to find other lifeforms from space quite soon. Or maybe not. The JWST telescope and its plasma spectrometer tell that somewhere are molecules crucial to life. But that's all. Confirming those molecules is not very hard. But is that molecule proven about life?  That is another thing. Life doesn't mean intelligent life. And we can see multiple planets by using the JWST telescope. But until we would land on those planets nothing confirms the existence of lifeforms. We might see things like methane as the result of metabolism as proof of alien life. Methane is a gas that forms in bacteria. But methane can also form without bacteria. That means the gas doesn't prove that there are bacteria.  "Scientists have detected a new carbon compound, methyl cation, in space for the first t

Why it's so hard to see higher dimensions?

When black hole forms in a supernova explosion that explosion packs its material to form called singularity. The black hole gets all its energy in that explosion. And after that, the singularity starts to turn into wave movement.  That means: the black bole sends radiation with so special wavelength. That we cannot see that wave movement.  One of the reasons why we cannot see the black hole behind the event horizon is that black holes could send wave movement in a way unknown to us. In some theoretical models, black holes send monotonic wave movement where the energy level is the same all the time.  In normal wave movement, there is like hills and valleys in that electromagnetic radiation. But there is the possibility that a black hole sends Hawkings radiation in the same way all the time.  So the only change in the energy level of that radiation could form when a black hole loses its mass when it turns to Hawking's radiation. Because there are no short-term changes in that radiati

The violation in symmetry: why is more material than antimaterial in the universe?

At the beginning of this text, we must realize that we just call the material that makes us material. And antimatter is the mirror material. The names between those mirror particles are just manmade. So was the reason for that asymmetry that some particles of particle-antiparticle pairs went too far from each other, and then they couldn't return to begin point. And the induction question is, of course, are those antimatter particles still exist somewhere in the universe? That thing causes an idea there could be antimatter somewhere in the universe.  The other model of the "birth of material" is the annihilation reaction in the extremely young universe formed in a situation where some material particles were somehow at so much higher energy levels than antimatter particles that it caused an asymmetrical annihilation.  There were many different things In the young, high-energy universe than in our universe. When we talk about things, like great annihilation, we must realize

Space X launched the first space factory.

Space factories are the tools that would make a revolution to drug development and nanotechnology. The system would use remote-control laboratories. And if something goes wrong. Those laboratories could be driven to the sun. Spaceborne small-size biological laboratories can research unknown bacteria and viruses. The zero-gravitational conditions are suitable to create complicated molecules. Those things can use in drug development and nanotechnology. The problem with this technology has been the orbital launch's high price.  The space factory is a space capsule with an unmanned, remotely controlled laboratory and production unit. Maybe, a very small-size production system can make it possible to benefit microgravity for producing very complicated molecules. The unmanned orbital production units can also make it possible to create new types of nanomachines and things like drugs. When the production unit made its duty, it will return to the atmosphere and on Earth.  Those AI- and rem

Higgs field and the speed of light

Dimensions are energy levels. When the difference between energy levels between two objects rises too high, they lose their ability to interact with each other. And the problem with crossing the speed of light is that researchers cannot pump enough energy that the particle can jump to the fourth dimension.  When a particle closes speed of light its size turns smaller, and finally, a particle cannot turn smaller anymore. And that thing is the cosmic speed limit. The light cone is the model that for crossing the speed of light the particle must push its structure through itself. And that is difficult because the particle's density turns so high that it cannot push its superstrings through that structure.  When we think that the Higgs field pulls energy through particles we might understand why only photons and other massless particles can reach the speed of light. The energy that travels through particles impacts the Higgs field. And that's why it will deny crossing the speed of

Demon core: when small energy turns into an explosion.

A little bit same effect that breaks the glass and explodes nuclear weapons. Glass is almost pure silicon. And if something starts to resonate that silicone structure.  There are no pockets where that energy can go. The energy forms standing waves that push atoms away from each other. When energy travels in that object it takes all standing waves with it. And that causes the situation that breaking glass sends shards across the air.  All homogenous objects act a little bit like glass. If we think of things like hypothetical iron stars we must realize that those stars are pure iron. When energy hits that kind of iron ball it causes resonation. The iron atoms are turning iron atoms opposite poles against each other.  And then the energy impulses in that very old universe will push those iron atoms away from each other. Then the electromagnetic interaction along with gravitation pulls those atoms back. That thing loads energy onto the objects. And by vibration by vibration, the distance o

New technology breaks limits.

Microwave rockets.  The microwaves can create plasma for ion engines. And it can boil things like liquid hydrogen in a rocket chamber.  The EM thruster might not work. But there is a possibility to make the plasma-ion engine or electromagnetic rocket engine that microwaves. In the most conventional version, the EM-system points microwaves into the water or some other propellant.  The microwave system just heats that material. And then that vapor can travel out from the exhaust tube. That is the most conventional version of the microwave-based rocket.  That kind of microwave rocket can use any propellant, that it can boil or vaporize. The microwave-based rockets where microwaves expand propellant can be useful in flights to gas giants like Jupiter to transport the rocket into space. This speculative system can use water or hydrocarbon from Jupiter's atmosphere or its moons. The problem is that this kind of system requires a powerful energy source.  The ion thruster can use microwave


Sci-fi movies are full of superweapons like battle stations that can destroy entire planets. The fact is that all possible interstellar spacecraft are weapons. If the operator shoots the 10,000-kilogram device against the planet by using a speed that is about 70% of the speed of light, that thing destroys the entire planet in less than a second.  But there is a paradox in those things. Civilization requires things like death stars and other kinds of stuff. Those weapons could protect the planets and solar systems against incoming asteroids and rogue planets. If we think about the Star Wars movies the only thing that is needed to destroy the planet is to drive one X-wing or fighter to impact the planet at a very high speed. The other version is to drive the X-wing to the planet's atmosphere at a very high speed in that case, the friction will cause devastating effects.  And that thing causes the air turns to plasma. In some conventional visions, the hypersonic aircraft would fly low

AI revolutionizes material research.

The new types of nanomaterials are very complicated molecules. The same technology developed for medical research can also use in other complicated molecular structures. And we can think that medicines are also complicated structures. Making those structures is like playing some Tetris game. The femtosecond lasers aim the molecules and submolecular structures in the right position. That they can take their place in the 3D structure.  And in those structures, the functional parts of the molecules open when the molecule is in the right position. When it travels through, for example, an ion pump, that thing uncovers the functional layer of the molecule.  Microscopes are following the position of the submolecular structures. And the thing that makes AI a powerful tool is that it can follow large entireties. Complicated, large-size molecules require multiple components, and the AI must follow all actors very carefully.  The energy levels of those groups must be just at the right level, and

The U.S. Navy wants to create MHD-drive for submarines and other vehicles.

The MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic drive) is like a particle accelerator or ion cannon that drives ions through the tube or over the submarine's or surface ship's layer. The thing that makes MHD interesting is that the system is silent. The catamaran can be equipped with magnetic accelerators that are between the trunks of the catamaran. In Japan, the test vehicle Yamato 1 reached a speed of 6 knots in tests. There that test vehicle used an MHD drive.  The U.S. Navy program would be more successful, because the Navy wants to use the MHD in nuclear-powered submarines, and today there are more advanced magnets and superconducting technology that makes the MHD more successful. Nuclear reactors can give far more power than Yamato 1's conventional engines.  The saucer-shaped airships can cause the UFO-alarms. In those cases, the lights below blimps are meant to warn other aerial vehicles. And there is the possibility that some of them are used to test ion-based stealth or engine syste

Methane could be a good source of hydrogen.

Methane gas (CH4) is one of the most interesting energy sources in the world. Bacteria make that gas from biomass. So that thing can make the mechanical cow possible. The mechanic cow means the system where inside the robot's stomach is the cell culture there are methane bacteria. That kind of robot can make energy from all types of biomass.  In some visions, the mechanic sea cow or yacht can use internal methane bacteria cultures to create methane for its turbines. These kinds of systems can be new and powerful green energy systems.  Methane is a good hydrogen source. But that requires a filter system that removes carbon from that molecule.  Methane is a hydrocarbon gas that could quite easily filter. And if carbon is removed from the methane molecule. That gas could be a good and clean energy source. If we think that methane can use as an energy source in robotics, there are two ways to make that gas carbon neutral.  The first way is to remove carbon from the methane. And in that

High-speed yachts use the same technology, which is suitable for both civil and military purposes.

The green perpetual motion machine.  The craft can use Flettner rotors to create hydrogen. The Flettner rotors are rotating generators that drive electricity to electrolysis chambers. Then those chambers. Are used to create hydrogen and oxygen for turbines that can move even large-size ships. But also more conventional systems can use in high-power hydrogen-burning turbines. Modern technology allows installing Flettner rotors also in small crafts. Those rotors can have adjusted height.  The CONAS (Combined nuclear and steam propulsion) the system can modify to burn hydrogen. In that modified CONAS system nuclear reactor can use to make hydrogen in the electrolysis chamber. Then the system drives that hydrogen to the gas turbines that can give extremely powerful thrust to ships.  The CODLAG (Combined diesel–electric and gas)-type gas turbines are coming to small-size sea vehicles. The idea is that diesel engines are used to rotate generators. That generator drives electricity to electro

New exotic states of matter are removing the limits between computers and "dum" materials.

All around the world researchers are working to find new materials with new quantum abilities. Those new quantum abilities make the material intelligent, and some of those materials might also act as computers. Things like Rydberg's states in electron shells make extremely small-size quantum computers possible.  And this type of material makes it possible to create new types of nanotechnology that can create complicated structures automatically. That kind of technology makes things like T-1000-type liquid amoeba robots possible. Those amoeba robots can take many forms. And they can make many things that were SciFi before this true.  The new quantum states of the material make it possible to create solid, extremely strong structures that can make information travel through it. In that kind of material, the material structures are turning that way they allow information to tunnel through the material. And that thing makes the material a quantum ghost. If electrons of the atoms make p

Magnetic levitation and antigravity.

Antigravitation is much more than just levitation. The antigravitation makes it possible that aircraft can hover above the ground. But antigravitation can also turn the incoming ammunition to another course. Then antigravitation, or so-called "real" antigravitation that bases the gravitation could use to create the warp bubble. That real antigravitation would push all other material from around the craft. But that thing requires the possibility to create synthetic gravitational waves.  Magnetic levitation might look like antigravitation. It's possible to make the ion cloud below the aircraft and then benefit from the electromagnetic pushing effect in levitation. That ion layer is created by using the laser or some other radiation and then the bottom of the craft will load with the same polarity of electricity.  The system would make the aircraft levitate. The idea is that the laser ray forms the quantum propeller. That quantum propeller's purpose is to raise the air t

New types of ultrasound systems are suitable for sensors and stun weapons.

Researchers created the first wearable ultrasound system for tissue monitoring.  That kind of system can deliver more precise data about working tissues while the person is working in real situations than old fashion systems. But those patch-based systems can also make many other things. Similar, easily integrated systems can also act as SONAR-based ranging systems.  That kind of sonar array can install in the container or furniture, that must move from point A to point B. So when the corner of merchandise will go too close to the wall or corner, that system can lock the wheels of the intelligent wagons.  And that system can deny damage. Same way adhesive tape-connected sonars can put on a car's buffer, and it can tell the distance to the next car. If those sonars are at corners of the buffer, that thing can help drivers how to park their vehicles.  "A wearable ultrasonic-system-on-patch for deep tissue monitoring. Credit: Muyang Lin" ( Develop t