The thing is that Albert Einstein made one of the most interesting and most accurately documented theories in history. Theories of special and general relativity are the parts of the same theory.
The Theory of Relativity is two theories
1) Theory of Special Relativity, which is a suitable theory for calculating the behavior of particles in weak gravitational fields.
2) Theory of General Relativity, is the theory that can be used for calculating the behavior of particles in strong gravitational fields.
The gravitational field must be strong that the curvature of spacetime is strong enough that the Theory of General Relativity can use to calculate the behavior of the particle.
The theory of Special Relativity describes the behavior of the particles in the straight universe. And Theory of General Relativity describes the behavior of the particles in the strong gravitational or energy fields. The thing is that the key to both theories is gravitation.
And the remarkable thing is that there are no mistakes found in those theories. The thing is that Einstein's fundamental observation that gravitation can affect the trajectory of the light opened the road to searching black holes and wormholes.
The gravitational interaction is the key element in the Theory of Relativity. When the gravitational field is weak the Theory of Special Relativity is the thing that gives the right answers. But when the gravitational field is turning stronger the Theory of General Relativity turns to give more accurate answers than the Theory of Special Relativity.
The difference between the Theory of Special Relativity and the Theory of General Relativity is that the Theory of Special Relativity handles the space as straight level. And the Theory of General Relativity handles the space as a curving layer.
The idea in the Theory of General Relativity is simple. Every single object in the universe is in the gravitational pothole. Or because we are hard to imagine the 3D pothole that hovers in space. We can say that gravitation makes the space shorter.
The thing is that the gravitation must turn strong enough that it causes curvature that researchers can measure it. The thing is that every single object curves spacetime but only the strongest gravitational field can make so strong a curvature that we can measure it.
So when the gravitational field turns stronger. The researchers should use the Theory of General Relativity. When the gravitational field is turning weaker. The Theory of Special Relativity turns to give the right answers. So the thing that causes this effect is the curvature of spacetime.
But how space and time can curve? The fact is that near the gravitational center the space is getting shorter. That means that quantum fields around the gravitational center are denser.
Or there are more quantum fields around the gravitational center. When the object travels through those quantum fields it takes the energy of those fields in it. Or otherwise, the object takes a bit of those quantum fields in it. That quantum field interaction loads energy to that object or its quantum field.
And that interaction is called kinetic energy or time dilation. When a particle or object is loaded with energy. That thing slows its again. Time dilation is the case where the fast-moving object or object that is in a strong gravitational field is aging slower, than an object that travels with slow speed or is in a weak gravitational field. So we can say that kinetic energy has a connection with time dilation.
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