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Quantum chemistry and new quantum materials are impressive.

"Linköping University researchers have developed a sunlight-absorbing molecule that can store energy in chemical bonds. It has the potential for efficient capture and storage of solar energy." (ScitechDaily, New Molecule Developed to Store Solar Energy in Chemical Bonds)

Some people say that modern quantum- and nanomaterials challenge the rules of physics. When we think about the nanomaterial's difference from regular material, nanotechnology offers an ultimate tool for making new types of structures. When we think possibility that the surface is made using DNA and steel plates, that thing gives a new ability to that thing. 

The chain-looking structures can make self-repairing materials possible. The chain-looking structure also denies the spread of the damage if something hits the structure. The nano-particles are very small, and they can hover above the ground. That makes it possible to manipulate them using acoustic and light. 

The molecules that can harness energy from the light in the chemical bonds can revolutionize the medicines. The ball-shaping molecule that can release the energy at the precise right moment can slip into cells. And then the system can release energy that is stored in it. That can form the shockwave in the cell. And that shockwave destroys the cell organelles. 

Releasing that energy precisely at the right moment is not very difficult. The system must just receive energy. And then something will put it out of balance. This thing releases energy that is stored in the system. 

Above: Nanodiamond is a carbon molecule where carbon atoms form a similar structure as they form in a diamond. Nanodiamonds can used to send acoustic oscillations or they can act as nanomachines. 

If we want to manipulate the system, we must know all parts of it. We must repeat that thing all the time. When we make things like nano- and quantum-size systems. The nano-technical molecules that can harness energy straight from the solar light and store it into its chemical bonds are tools, that can revolutionize nanotechnology and explosives. 

This supermolecule can help to adjust the power of the explosives using light. The same ability can be used to adjust energy in the nanomachines. This is one of the systems, that quantum chemistry can make possible. 

The complete knowledge of the system makes those things possible. If the chemical bonds would be like the quantum tornadoes or quantum whirls the system can adjust the power of those bonds. If there is a quantum tornado between atoms the system can load energy in that bond quite easily. Then the system can release energy with very high accuracy.

The bonds can created between single atoms. Or the system can use things like nano-diamonds in its structure. The term nano-diamond can mean the carbon atom group, which is in the same form as the smallest part of the diamond. 

In one version the system can input energy to those bonds. Then it can use electron asymmetry to keep the structure in its form. The system can turn another atom into an anion and another into an ion. When the system wants to release the energy. It simply moves electrons between an ion and anion. Then the quantum spring will push the atoms out from each other. 

"Researchers have developed the world’s first quantum sensor capable of sensing atomic-scale electric and magnetic fields using a single molecule attached to a scanning tunneling microscope. This breakthrough provides unparalleled spatial resolution, akin to an MRI, enabling deep insights into material properties at the atomic level. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: MRI for Molecules Unlocks Secrets of the Atomic World)

The idea is that the system can push atoms away from each other at the precise right moment. And that can make the next generation of medicines and other nanotechnical tools possible. The thing that makes the process work can be the nanobubble at the front of the atom or small molecules. 

In some models, the nanomachine can have different atoms at the end of the carbon chain. The system can put oscillation travel through the carbon chain. And that oscillation pushes the different atoms like chlorine atoms to the target.  

The system can input energy to the chemical bond and in that case, the chemical bond acts like an antenna that pushes the atoms or monoatomic molecules into opposite directions. Things like phonons can also input acoustic rays into the carbon structure. 

The new things like MRI images from atoms and molecules are tools that the new systems can use to follow the process. In MRI systems the molecules are observed, using the magnetic field resonance. And that thing makes the system more accurate. The system must observe molecules all the time so that it can make the right things at the right time.


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