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The secrets of Cherenkov radiation.

"Mechanism of Terahertz wave generation under electron emission in vacuum photodiode. Credit: Aleksandr Ushakov, Kseniia Mamaeva, Leonid Seleznev, Georgy Rizaev, Vladimir Bukin, Timophey Dolmatov, Pavel Chizhov, Vladimir Bagdasarov, Sergey Garnov" (ScitechDaily, When Particles Outrun Light: Unraveling the Mystery of Cherenkov Radiation)

Chenrenkov radiation is radiation that a particle releases. When it hits into border layer. When a particle that travels in a vacuum hits the water or air its speed slows. And when a particle slows its speed it releases its kinetic energy in the form of the electromagnetic radiation that we see as the blue light shines near nuclear reactors. But actually, the sky is also blue because of Chernakov radiation. 

When researchers want to make a laser, that uses Cherenkov radiation they must only make the laser with a water-filled laser element. Then accelerators shoot electrons or other particles into the water or some other medium. This effect forms the laser beam. The Cherenkov-radiation is a useful tool for making nanotechnical laser solutions. Those solutions are useful in quantum communication and anti-stealth systems. 

"Cherenkov radiation glowing in the core of the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory" (Wikipedia, Cherenkov Radiation)

But there are also other ways to make coherent- or semi-coherent radiation effects using Cherenkov radiation. There is a hollow chamber and liquid is at the walls and bottom of the chamber. Then the system shoots particles like electrons in that liquid. The side-coming radiation presses the radiation that comes from the bottom into coherent or almost coherent radiation. 

There are two ways to make that kind of system. If there is a mirror system with semi-permeable and full-permeable mirrors, that thing makes it the laser. 

Or if the system is open, there are no mirror systems like lasers, the system operates like a maser (Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). The system can have multiple laser- and other optical transmitter groups. 

The Cherenkov radiation is the ultimate tool for radar and communication technology. That thing makes it possible to create optical Doppler radars. Large groups of lasers can make the Doppler lidars or optical Doppler radar scanners possible.

In some of the most exotic systems. There are (nano)tubes surrounded by the liquid and at the bottom of the structure is also liquid. Then the system shoots electrons into that liquid at a very high speed. The Cherenkov radiation that comes from the bottom- and the sides of the tubes makes it possible to create a laser system that acts like the Doppler radar. 

Then there are CCD systems that can also operate as optical observation systems. And these kinds of things are tested for anti-stealth technology and advanced communication.


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