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Showing posts from July, 2024

Quantum chemistry and new quantum materials are impressive.

"Linköping University researchers have developed a sunlight-absorbing molecule that can store energy in chemical bonds. It has the potential for efficient capture and storage of solar energy." (ScitechDaily, New Molecule Developed to Store Solar Energy in Chemical Bonds) Some people say that modern quantum- and nanomaterials challenge the rules of physics. When we think about the nanomaterial's difference from regular material, nanotechnology offers an ultimate tool for making new types of structures. When we think possibility that the surface is made using DNA and steel plates, that thing gives a new ability to that thing.  The chain-looking structures can make self-repairing materials possible. The chain-looking structure also denies the spread of the damage if something hits the structure. The nano-particles are very small, and they can hover above the ground. That makes it possible to manipulate them using acoustic and light.  The molecules that can harness energy fro

The secrets of Cherenkov radiation.

"Mechanism of Terahertz wave generation under electron emission in vacuum photodiode. Credit: Aleksandr Ushakov, Kseniia Mamaeva, Leonid Seleznev, Georgy Rizaev, Vladimir Bukin, Timophey Dolmatov, Pavel Chizhov, Vladimir Bagdasarov, Sergey Garnov" (ScitechDaily, When Particles Outrun Light: Unraveling the Mystery of Cherenkov Radiation) Chenrenkov radiation is radiation that a particle releases. When it hits into border layer. When a particle that travels in a vacuum hits the water or air its speed slows. And when a particle slows its speed it releases its kinetic energy in the form of the electromagnetic radiation that we see as the blue light shines near nuclear reactors. But actually, the sky is also blue because of Chernakov radiation.  When researchers want to make a laser, that uses Cherenkov radiation they must only make the laser with a water-filled laser element. Then accelerators shoot electrons or other particles into the water or some other medium. This effect for

Bacteriophages can open the path for next-generation medicines.

"A team from the University of Otago discovered a new way bacteriophages disable bacterial defenses, revealing a protein that binds both DNA and RNA. This finding could pave the way for phage-based alternatives to antibiotics and advances in gene regulation." (ScitechDaily, Hidden Arsenal Exposed: Surprise Discovery Has Big Antibacterial Potential) The bacteriophages are viruses that destroy bacteria. Those viruses can transformed into nanomachines by destroying their DNA. There is a protein and the nano spring inside the tube, and when that machine is at the right point, the nano spring opens and sends the harpoon to the targeted bacteria.  In that case, the bacteriophage's DNA is replaced using the nano-harpoon, that destroys the targeted cells. Another thing is that those bacteriophages' shape allows researchers to create nanotechnical cranes and nano drills that can create nanobubbles or move some other cells.  The dead bacteriophage can act as medicine. The dead

The acoustic flying system can explain UFOs' strange behavior.

Image from Pinterest. In this text, I will not try to explain all UFO cases with aliens, or some kind of governmental test planes. The idea is to try to explain the strange noise and some other things that those mysterious objects keep. The thing that can explain that behavior is the acoustic flight system, there is some kind of acoustic membrane or acoustic crystals that create soundwaves that can make the craft hover.  A 2D carbon fishnet called graphene is one of the most interesting materials in the world. Graphene and phonons are the tools, that can create ultimate sound systems. But sometimes those interesting things are connected with an impressive thing called acoustic flying.  In acoustic flying, the oscillating membrane makes the soundwaves, or pressure waves that make things hover. The soundwaves must have high enough pressure, and they can push even sea ships airborne. The power of the soundwave determines how heavy an object that thing can hover.  If the acoustic wave is s

Innovations like AI, are making driving safer.

"PlatoNeRF, created by MIT and Meta, employs multibounce lidar and machine learning to enable autonomous vehicles to detect hidden obstacles. This innovative technique, which also assists in AR/VR and robotics, uses shadows to generate precise 3D reconstructions of environments. (ScitechDaily, Seeing the Invisible: Innovative Tech Lets Cars Peek Around Corners) Innovative AI-based machine learning, along with radar and lidar technology revolutionize driving. New cars will remember their routes and the individual things, that they should notice in every route. The system can also transfer things that it learned to other similar environments.  How to see behind corners? That is one of the vital questions in traffic. The air-unit, quadcopter that communicates with the car's central computers can solve that problem. That thing can observe what happens around the car. The same technology can be used in civil and military systems. The quadcopters that hover above tanks and infantry