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"Earthlight" Arthur C. Clarke (1955) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
"Earthlight" is the novel, what Arthur C. Clarke wrote in 1955, and it is the very futuristic story about the war between the Earth and it's colonies. The book is full of technical things, like the train, what travels on the surface of the moon. This fictional moon train is a quite conventional electric train, what is modified as the space capsule, and it would travel to the station, and then the airlocks would be connected to that system, what allows people to travel on the surface of the Moon. The combat systems that are used in this book, are the probably triangle-shape spacecraft, what have thrust to every side of those vehicles, and that would make those ships, what fictional colony would be used capable to fly like some UFO.
Because the war between colonies, what are known as "Federals" is expected, the Moonbase must be defended, and the defense is the thing, what is prepared almost all of the book. The defense of that base bases the magnetic cannon, what would pump meted iron straight to those targeted spacecraft. The book is actually the story about preparing the war, and how the colonies spies would be searched from the Moonbase. In the last chapter, Clarke wrote that the peace treaty would be made under the control of the Moon, and in this case, I would tell that in the real life, would the Moon be acting in the control of Earth.
There would be many things, what the Moon needs from Earth, and one of them is clothes and the second thing, what Clarke forgot, is that the Moon would be targetted the nuclear weapons from the Earth, or there could be powerful, but an unseen radiological weapon, what could destroy entire Moon in seconds. That fictional weapon could be an actually radiological weapon, and it can be actually misused radio telescope. The thing could be tested in some weapon tests, where are trying to create the protective shield, by using electric arcs.
Those radio telescopes would be synchronized in the same frequency, and then their radiation would be targeted to the heart or center point of the Moon, and this means, that the Moon would be destroyed immediately when the Earth wants. The warming of the center of the Moon with extremely powerful electric arcs could cause the expansion of the nucleus of the Moon, and that would crash entire planet. This is the thing, what this master of science fiction might be thought, when he wrote that novel, that feels so timeless even today.
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