"MIT researchers have determined that the DIANA MRI method, initially claimed to detect direct neural activity, actually produces signals from its imaging process, not from brain activity. Experiments showed that these signals were artifacts of the imaging system’s setup, challenging the method’s efficacy and raising concerns about its reliability in neuroscientific research. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, DIANA Debunked by MIT: The MRI That Couldn’t Read Minds)
Brains are very complex things. Theoretically, it is possible to create a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that can read the human mind. However, the practical solution is a very hard thing to create and the reason for that is this. There are many details in the human brain, that the MRI must see. When the brain collects images from memories it activates certain neuron groups.
It collects those memories from different individual neurons like the brain collects images from the retina. Every image that is in our memory is like a pixel in neurons. And reading all those brain cells the system requires ultimate accuracy. Scanning billions of neurons requires lots of time. And then another thing is that the system must know where those memory pixels are stored.
The problem is that brains use certain pixels in many images. That thing means, that brains must not create individual neurons for every image pixel. It must only create connections between neurons. Those axon connections make it possible, that the brains can use the same pixels for multiple memories or memory images.
Another thing is that the MRI reads the electric interaction between neurons. That means the neuron must drive its memories into the electric mode. So that the MRI can read that data. Normally neurons are in passive form. There are no electric actions in axons. And before the MRI can read the electric signals it must activate that neuron.
The thing is that the Electroencephalography
(EEG) and MRI systems can partially read the mind. The idea is that the person looks at the images or hears some voices. The system follows the changes in neuro-activity. In the cases of crimes or something like that the person sees images of things, that should connect to the case.
The MRI and EEG systems can follow the brain activation. But normally the other thing, called a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner is the thing, that follows the brain area activation. The system follows the blood flow in the brain. Then it sees how certain brain areas activate. The system can follow the stress hormone and adrenaline levels. The MRI cannot read unique thoughts. But it sees how brain cells activate.
The BCI systems can read thoughts but they require that the person is voluntary for that thing. The idea is that certain brain areas are activated in a certain way when a person thinks something. The system requires the information about the brain activation. And in those systems, the BCI observes the Wernicke lobe. The BCI connects certain words to certain brain waves. And that means the users speak for themselves. The system connects text-to-speech applications with the EEG scanner and the system follows the microphone and the EEG in those actions.
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