Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Use of artificial intelligence can limit the epidemics.

Source : WHO

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When some person gets an infection of some virus, the early isolation and quarantine with early medical attention might save lives in the case of the epidemic. This system works with the same principle that the image-recognition programs, but it selects the targets by using the visible symptoms of the infection. This kind of program can also use to recognize the cancer patients in the streets. The artificial intelligence can also deliver the information of suspected cases to national- and international organizations like CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) and WHO.

Use of artificial intelligence can be used as the select the persons for tests if the sensors notice the changes of skin, what are connected with cancer or epidemic. The problem of this kind of recognition of this kind of recognition about the people is that when the human looks the monitors, the person who has cancer or infection can flee from the picture when operator looks another direction.

The use of artificial intelligence gives  speed and sharpness of artificial intelligence make possible to analyze very big mass of data. The computers can analyze many pictures in the time unit, and it will not be tired. So that makes possible to analyze the pictures, what comes from surveillance cameras, and then those pictures might be compiled with the pictures, what are taken from the skin of cancer patients. And then that system can use as the tracker of the cancer patients even from streets. This system can track those persons identities.

If some person might seem to have the changes in cell structure, that person might call to the tests. It also can minimize the victims of epidemics, if some person would get example the Ebola virus from Africa. That system can detect the early symptoms of that horrified infection, like the leaking nose and blood, what comes from eyes, and make alert the paramedics, that there would come the person, who has the lethal infection. And the risk of the epidemics would be big. There the rapid reaction must be done, to disband the epidemics right away.

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