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Will humans survive the sun's red giant stage?

"As the Sun matures into a Red Giant, the oceans will boil and Earth will become uninhabitable." (The Conversation, The sun won’t die for 5 billion years, so why do humans have only 1 billion years left on Earth?)

Sooner or later, all stars use their hydrogen. And then they turn into red giants. Sun is a yellow G spectral class star that turns into a white dwarf. But before that, the sun will turn larger.  The sun turns red and that means. It starts to send more infrared radiation. This thing will turn Earth into a hellish temperature that vaporizes water from Earth. 

It's possible. That Earth will also vaporize with Venus and Mercury. Some scientists say that we have only 1 billion years to move farther in the solar system. The habitable zone will go to the distance of Jupiter and Saturn, and maybe humans find a safe place in those distant moons. 

It's possible that before Sun will grow too large humans make large groups of mirror satellites or large shields that should filter major parts of the Sun's radiation. It's possible that humans also use counter-ion cannons that should turn particle- or plasma flow from the sun away. The ion beam will push the particle flow past Earth and the shield also creates energy for those systems. 

Humans can use the white dwarf as an energy source. They can drive small asteroids against white dwarfs. Those impacts release kinetic energy. Another way is to shoot a white dwarf with an ion cannon. Those ions make nuclear fusion on the white dwarf shell. The silicone panels can collect energy from those impacts and fusion. 

The end of the Sun will be a nova eruption. And in that moment humans can use that eruption as the push for solar sails. Those solar sails will transport our descendants to other solar systems. Red dwarfs can be more suitable for a colony than we think. The problem is that all planets around red dwarfs are locked. That means their nightside is cold, and the dayside is hot as hell. That causes powerful wind over the planet. 

But it's possible to use the star riser to raise the red dwarf's energy level. Colonists must just aim powerful microwave or laser ray to raise the red dwarf's temperature. Those systems can use antimatter as an energy source. The futuristic colonists may surround the red dwarf using a nanotechnical ball. That ball would be the network, where the system detonates antimatter. That presses the red dwarf into a smaller size and raises its temperature. 

What if colonists turn red dwarfs into blue dwarfs by aiming microwaves or laser rays into them? 

"What is a Blue Dwarf Star? Blue Dwarf Stars, are a theoretical state that a Red Dwarf will become once it has passed its Main Sequence stage, which is the stage in which it has finished its hydrogen supplies." ( What is a Blue Dwarf Star?)

What if the colonists transform a red dwarf into a blue dwarf? The antimatter lasers and microwave systems can raise the red dwarf's surface temperature. And it's possible, that the first blue dwarf in our galaxy is man-made. Maybe the hypothetical colonists use a large-scale satellite swarm that surrounds the red dwarf. Those satellites will use the energy that they get from red dwarf or nuclear reactors. Then they aim their radiation transmitters to the star, and that surface temperature rises to a very high level. 

The satellite can catch particles from the red dwarf. And then it can turn them into the antimatter. The antimatter-annihilation gives a very high energy level to the laser or maser system that raises the star's temperature. 

The idea is to turn the red dwarf into a blue dwarf. That hypothetical star has not been found yet. But lasers, antimatter, or electromagnetic can be used to create artificial blue dwarfs. The blue dwarfs are the hypothetical final stage of red dwarfs before they turn into the white dwarfs. The star will be extremely hot. And that allows for the transfer of the habitable zone to a longer distance. So that allows us to move to planets that are not locked. The ability to manipulate red dwarfs requires that we will travel to those stars.


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