There are good and bad ways to benefit brain implants.
The new brain implants can replace at least part of the psychiatric medicines. But they can be much more than just some electric psychiatric medicines. The brain implants make it possible to control computers or any computer in the world. Using the brain waves. That BCI (Brain Computer Interface) can use BlueTooth or any wireless port to control devices. There is a possibility that the brain implant is meant to control the prosthesis and can used to connect people directly with the Internet.
But the fact is that the BCI system can also use augmented reality and control things like cars and aircraft. In this kind of system, the BCI system can implanted surgically. Or electrodes on the head can use fake reality that includes virtual hands that make control of those things easier. The thing is that the robot hands could have Wi-Fi connections that make it possible for people can connect themselves to the network.
Mona Lisa's cyborg smile.
The new interactive brain implants can control seizures and OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder) by using electric shocks or electric impulses to the brain. This thing can be a new tool for handling things like psychiatric and neural psychiatric diseases. The seizures will turn to control immediately. And that thing makes those new brain implants powerful tools that can also control behavior and emotions by using electric shocks. That kind of system must notice if there is some kind of seizure coming. And then that AI-controlled system can begin the counter-actions to prevent seizures.
The question is, what is the most effective thing in the world of computing? Is it the human brain or the deep neural network? The fact is the most powerful thing in computing is the hybrid network that connects computers and the human brain in its entirety. The idea of that network is taken from H.G Wells's novel "The Time Machine". The idea is that the neural implants remove violence from society. If a neural implanted person hits another who carries the neural implant, that attacker also feels the punch that this violent person gives to another.
"A patient at Oregon Health & Science University underwent a groundbreaking procedure where a single brain implant successfully controlled both her epilepsy-induced seizures and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Following the treatment, Amber Pearson experienced profound relief from her OCD symptoms, transforming her quality of life." (“Life-Changing” – New Brain Implant Successfully Controls Both Seizures and OCD)
This thing can be the most positive in history. Brain implants can offer a bright future for people. Those implants make it possible to connect people and the internet. The neural implants make it possible to control things like drone swarms by using EEG impulses.
But there are also negative ways to use that kind of implant. The brain implants can connect to the internet by connecting it with regular mobile telephones. The system can give electric stimulation to any brain area where it is connected. That makes it possible to stimulate things like brain areas that control pain or depression. And that thing makes it possible to control the targeted person's behavior. The brain implants that are like pacemakers but affect the brain can used as electric doping.
In that version, the system will stimulate the pleasure center in the brain when a person makes something that is wanted. That kind of thing can make it possible to create pleasure for people who require exercise. But the same implants can be used for making people slaves. The brain implants can be used to collect data from the senses. And then the AI can see and hear the same things that the person who has those implants hears and sees.
The idea of controlling people by using brain implants is taken from a sci-fi story. In that story, the bad guys put the spider on the person's brain tissue. Then the spider injects poison to the brain when the person tries to resist the commands. The thing is that the new microchip implants make this thing possible. When the person tries to resist the commands the spider will send the poison to the brain. The thing is that the wrong brain implants can make this horror scenario true. The brain implants make it possible to create and transmit fake memories to the targeted person. And remote extortion would be possible.
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