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Showing posts from July, 2023

The strange rules in quantum systems.

How can we  control and operate a system if we even cannot look at it? The strange world of quantum computers is that we cannot look at the system. When information is loaded into the quantum systems there is no way how to follow how the process continues. This is the problem with quantum computers. When a quantum computer makes some calculation series, the system travels on the road.  Or maybe we should call that road rather than tunnel or tube. We put some data in that process. And then we cannot affect how the system makes its works. We must just sit on the chair and wait until the system made its work. And that is one of the most problematic things in quantum computers.  The only thing that can check answers that are made by using quantum computers is another quantum computer. So if the quantum system's input and output process is some kind of anomaly the answer is wrong.  GO game The ability to follow the calculation process is important because if the quantum c...

Spaceborne satellite swarms are the next-generation technology.

NASA tests cutting-edge technology in space. The next-generation vision for satellites is the satellite swarm that operates independently. The satellite swarms are drone swarms that are operating in the orbiting trajectory. A swarm of small satellites can use in the same missions as the lower-flying drone swarms. The swarm technology allows the targeting of multiple small telescopes at the same point. That gives small-size satellites the same resolution as larger telescopes. The difference between swarm technology and large satellites is this. If one participant of the swarms is destroyed.  The swarm itself can continue its mission. The idea in swarm technology is that multiple simple participants are acting as an entirety. In drone swarms, even millions of drones are operating as an entirety, and the operators can control the swarm as it would be one large structure.  The miniature satellites can observe larger satellites and search if there is some damage or if other satelli...

Time reversal photons play a big role in quantum circuits.

Photon is timeless. And that makes photons an excellent data storage. But the problem is that the information that is stored in photons must be protected against outside effects. But photon-based data storage is quite easy to make. The system must just trap one photon into it. In the systems that stop photons. Photons are stored between electron orbitals. And that makes the practical system quite complicated to create. The reason for that is that electrons disturb lasers that make quantum entanglement for connecting those photons.  The laser system must make quantum entanglement between that stopped photon to transport information to the quantum computers. Stopped photons also can use in quantum computers to transform binary information to quantum mode. The system drives information into the frame and then the photon in the middle of the chamber will superposition and entangle. That kind of system can make it possible to create the next-generation photonic quantum circuit.  Th...

A shattering breakeven barrier allows quantum error correction.

Before we can make quantum computers that are the same way trusted as binary computers we must make a system that corrects errors. Error-correcting requires that error can detect. The thing that the system must follow is the break-even, or breakeven barrier while it makes corrections. A breakeven barrier is a mathematical formula. Where the number of positive cases should cross the number of negative cases breaking that barrier means that the system makes a positive solution more than negative solutions.  When quantum systems are making calculations. Their weakness is that only another quantum system can detect errors in quantum computer-made calculations. In some models, the system sends the calculation twice through those systems. The system compares those answers The problem is that the calculation error could be in the last pulse.  "A logical qubit is embedded into the state space of a harmonic oscillator using the grid code, represented here by faces of the cube. Quantum ...

The space elevators are closer than we think.

A space elevator is a system that pulls payload to the orbiter without a rocket engine. Three versions of that system could be realistic. Two of them require an electric engine, that is connected to the winch to raise the payload to the orbiter. And the third one that bases on the asteroid that anchored to a geostationary position on the equator. The third one could be too complicated for the practical solution but the two first have potential. The requirement for a successful winch system is nontechnical ropes that could be light enough that they do not break structures.  1) Space tower Can we make Babel's tower that is high enough that it can use to set satellites in orbit without rockets? The fact is this.  The space tower which is the so-called lightweight version of a space elevator can be possible. The space tower is the skyscraper that reaches the low Earth orbiter or at least is so high, that it goes to edge of the space.  The air statue inside that building keeps...

Could neutrino someday prove the existence of other dimensions?

The neutrinos, mysterious travelers might be a key to next-generation quantum computers. But they might give a tip about the existence of mythic tachyons. Tachyon is the hypothetical faster-than-light object. The existence is that a particle is hard or even impossible to prove. The reason for that is simple. The first reason why that hypothetical particle remains, in theory, is that the tachyon could be the 4D particle. The tachyon cannot interact with regular material, because it's so fast and its energy level is so high, that interaction with 3D particles is impossible.  But if we follow the model, where the tachyon is the 4D particle that makes the situation very interesting. The tachyon can, of course, interact with other 4D objects. So could tachyons be the reason why black holes are sending gravitational waves? There is the possibility that some kind of reflection creates those gravitational waves.  "The neutrino view (blue sky map) in front of an artist’s impression of ...

There might be an answer to why there is a gravitational hole in Earth's gravitational field.

The gravitational field at the point of the Indian Ocean is weaker than in other places on Earth. The existence of that gravitational hole is proved. But the reason why that gravitational hole is formed is unknown. The reason why the gravitational field on the Indian Ocean is weaker might be a simple thing.  There is a possible lighter rock in the mantle, or there is less material at that point. In some wildest theories, there are bubbles in magma that turn below the bottom of the Indian Ocean are less massive than in other places on Earth. The lighter material at that point should make the hole in gravitation.  "Geoid undulation in false color. (International Centre for Global Earth Models/Wikimedia, CC BY 4.0) The impact of the ancient planet. In the time when Earth was young. Cause asymmetry of Earth's gravitational field, because there still is the debris of that impact. But the hole in a gravitational field is harder to explain than regular-looking asymmetry.  Could ...

Einstein was right: time travels 5 times faster now than in the young universe.

Time dilation is one of the issues of science that has only now begun to interest scientists. The reason for that is that time dilation just gives things like computers more time to make their missions. The problem with time dilation is this. Time is the same thing with all observers who are in the same space. Time dilation in the young universe was more powerful than in the modern universe. And the reason for that was the universe was at a higher energy level.  The energy is time. In a hot universe, the energy that flows out from particles is slower than in a cold universe. Also, all energy impacts in low energy universe cause higher energy differences between the particle and its environment than in a high-energy, hot universe. In time dilation we might say that quantum field press particles stronger in a high-energy environment. And that causes the situation. Where particles cannot release energy with the same speed as they release in a low-energy environment. Whenever a particl...

Parallel universe hypothesis.

String theory predicts that there are many other universes. Some of them are in the higher dimensions. And some of them are also in a 3D universe if we think of a dimension as an energy level.  Sometimes is introduced that the Higgs field that gives mass to particles is the interaction with the fourth dimension. The idea is that when a particle touches the Higgs field that energy field travels through that particle. The Higgs field would make the "mushroom" or fountain-looking effect where Higgs fields travel through the particle. Then the other particles (like hypothetical tachyon) interact with those particles and EM radiation.  The Higgs field makes the bubble around the particle. And because there are no electromagnetic fields around particles. That small electromagnetic vacuum causes things. That the EM fields are traveling inside the particle. Inside that particle, the EM-field makes a small tornado, that forms the energy pike in those particles. That energy pike is the...