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"The teaser" |
Almost every person, who writes to the Internet, have faced teasing. That means that somebody claims, to be the better person than the others. And of course, those teasers make life very bad for other persons by claiming something about their victims, what is embarrassing to them. That kind of things are very sad, and sometimes the teaser would think to survive about those things. Of course, the targeted person can take that case to the police, what might actually do something about that teasing.
The most important thing in that situation is, to deliver those messages straight to police without doing any changes to them. The original messages would uncover the source of the information, and if some nurse or social worker would deliver information about the sexual minorities or something like that, makes that person a criminal activity. If somebody yells something to the targeted teaser, should the victim listen to that message carefully, because the worlds, what are used uncovers, why that teaser dares to do, why he or she dares to do those things?
And in those messages is sometimes phrases, what uncovers the rings, where that information have been given to those teasers. Some phrases like "it' no fear" are actually very contagious, but they are not used in many places. And also the things, what the message involves uncovers the source. Sometimes that teasing involves information, what have very common knowledge about person's life, and maybe something about those words is containing very private information about the victim. This data might contain also the things, what are spoken only in the family.
In that case, the teaser has got informer inside the family of the victim. This would make possible to track the informer very fast. Sometimes that traitor uncovers because of the behavior of that person changes, and that possible ex-very close friend start to avoid the victim, who was just treated because that traitor would understand to making wrong. And that's why the seller of that information must believe that the victim is the somehow bad person.
Sometimes, brother, sister or cousin have given the information, what makes the teaser feel be very strong. And this is, of course, forming the induction ask: why that family member has given that information? The teasers are promised something to that person if the family member gives information for that kind of people. The worlds and behavior, what teaser uses tell about the environment, where that person lives. And if there would be attitude, that uninformed person is always right, would that tell that our teaser has grown in the environment, where all personnel uses uniform. And what is that environment, would uncover as the attitude to the violence.
The firemen have the very different attitude to violence than police has, and military men have different attitudes than police has. But there is one very common thing in each of those systems. The thing is, that superiorities are always very big authorities in that system. And when we are returning to think about that relationship with violence, we must think, what kind of person teases other, and when the situation turns to violence, would that teaser turn the back to the victim.
That is the mark of "being adult" in those systems. Every teaser is always "elder man" or elder woman to other persons. And this is of course very big status for that person. Being "elder" means that this teaser has right to say anything, what comes in the mind to another person. But one thing is different in the world of the real teaser. Teaser has used the position of superiority because that person has learned to give orders.
And learning to give orders, means that those orders have been followed in some places. Because the cheater is a superiority, is the situation very embarrassing, because the position as the superiority means that the henchmen of that teaser have to follow those commands. That system, of course, denies violence in that environment, that means that if somebody gets angry, would this person kick off from that organization. The position of superiority is, of course, very important part of growing the full day teaser, who makes other person's life in that work very difficult.
Here is some music:
John Edmond "Sweet Banana" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7mQ7N8e7ac.
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