Harvard's futuristic wearable soft robot is an interesting tool. "Innovative research has developed a soft robotic garment that significantly reduces freezing episodes in Parkinson’s disease patients, offering a promising new approach to treatment and understanding of the disease. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com." (ScitechDaily.com/Strides of Innovation: Soft Robotic Exosuit Improves Walking for People With Parkinson’s Disease) "The robotic garment (above), worn around the hips and thighs, gives a gentle push to the hips as the leg swings, helping the patient achieve a longer stride. Credit: Walsh Biodesign Lab/Harvard SEAS" (ScitechDaily.com/Strides of Innovation: Soft Robotic Exosuit Improves Walking for People With Parkinson’s Disease) The new soft robot suit can give major help to Parkinson's patients. But it can make many new things. The Harvard developers developed a futuristic soft robot suite for Parkinson patient's that can co